Sunday, March 6, 2011

Live, Laugh, Learn, Love- Part 1

“Hey Nicolette, come check out this video!” I called my best friend over to our computer; the same computer that had led us to Smosh’s house over eight months ago.
“Ugh, is this another one of those videos about you and Anthony?” She groaned as she made her way towards the desk.
“Yes but this time this one is nice.” I clicked play and a slideshow of leaked pictures of Anthony and I scrolled by to piano music. At the end, credits scrolled up the screen and mentioned how happy the creator was that I made Anthony happy. I smiled and exited out of YouTube.
“So, what’d you think?”
“It was cute, can I go now?” She turned to go back to her room.
“Yeah…” I trailed off, noticing I had a new email from an unknown sender.
I opened up the email; scanning it over I saw words in capital letters, tons of exclamation points and curse words. Another hate message; it read,
“Tailynn, you are a STUPID BITCH!!!! I cannot believe Anthony still likes you; I can’t believe he liked you AT ALL!!!! You’re ugly, and a fucking disgrace towards the Smosh name, get out of their lives NOBODY WANTS YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I swear if I see you in another slideshow or Smosh video, I will find you and CUT YOUR GOD DAMN THROAT!!!!!!!” This wasn’t the first jealous email I had gotten; actually it was only one out of about ten. The email continued with reasons why Anthony and I shouldn’t be together and how ugly I was but I really didn’t care because I knew the majority of Smosh’s fans liked the fact that Anthony was happy, that’s why I watch those nice YouTube videos.
I decided it would be funny if I wrote back to the hater. I opened a new message and began to write,
“Hey kind stranger, thank you for the lovely email, I’m sure Anthony would love to see how much you care about his girlfriend. And by the way, he doesn’t still like me; he LOVES me, so suck on that, BITCH. You must have absolutely NO life if you spend all your time writing hate messages to me; seriously do the world a favor and spend your time more wisely by crying me a river, building a bridge and jumping off of it. Thanks doll, Tailynn” I giggled as I pressed “SEND”.
“What are you giggling about?” Nicolette came back out of her room and leaned over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of the screen.
“Some idiot sent me another hate email but I sent them something back. I believe they won’t be talking shit about me anymore, well at least to my virtual face.”
Nicolette laughed, “People like that need a life.”
“Oh whatever, you’d be exactly like this eight months ago if some girl dated Anthony.” I twisted my neck around to look at her.
“Exactly; I got a life after we met them and Ian showed me who he really was.” She crossed her arms.
“Nico, that happened a long ass time ago, I thought you got over it.” I rolled my eyes and turned back to the computer screen.
“Well, he just made me realize some things is all.” I heard her trail back into her room and shut the door.
Suddenly, my phone started to play the beginning of “Firetruck”. It was Anthony,
“Hey hon.” I answered it.
“Hey Taybe.” He replied with his nickname he had given to me months before. He thought it was clever because sometimes I call him baby and Taybe happened to rhyme.
“What’s goin on?” I asked him, twirling my hair in between my fingers.
“Just thinkin’ about you…” his voice faded and I heard a different voice, probably Ian’s, say something. “Ian says hi.” Anthony finally said after the voice in the back stopped talking.
“He can tell me hi himself if he wants to.” I chuckled.
“HEY IAN!!!” Anthony practically deafened me, “TAILYNN SAID TO SAY HI YOURSELF!!!”
“Gee, thanks for shattering my eardrum babe.” Anthony laughed at my comment,
“Sorry.” I could practically hear him blush.
“Hey Tailynn!!!!” Ian snatched the phone away from Anthony.
“Hey Ian, how are you?” I asked.
“Pretty darn well myself, how about you?”
“Just got some hate mail but I took care of it.” I tried to sound as confident as possible.
“Oh what in tarnation? Who would do that to such as person as you?!” Ian said in a rough Southern accent.
I cracked up, “Jealous girls, that’s who. Ian, are you high or something?” I couldn’t help but ask through my tears of laughter.
“Nah, just had about three Redbull’s and am about ready to die is all!!!” He laughed.
“Gotta stay up all day and night to edit our five year anniversary video; we filmed a lot of shit so we gotta stay up all day and night to edit our five year anniversary video!!! Woooooo!!!!”
“Well please don’t die ‘cause we’ll be sad if you do.” I reassured him.
“Whatever, I don’t mind.”
“Okay then,” I smiled even though he couldn’t see me, “well nice talking to you Ian, can I talk to Anthony now?” I sat up straight from my chair and leaned by elbows on the desk.
“Fine, just try to get rid of me why dontcha?” I giggled as he handed the phone back to my boyfriend.
“Sorry about that, I shouldn’t have let him drink all those; he’s literally bouncing off the walls.” I heard a loud thump followed by Anthony laughing, “did you hear that?”
I nodded until I realized he couldn’t hear me, “oh yeah I did.”
“That was Ian trying to tip over one of our kitchen chairs with him on it standing up.”
I burst into laughter, “are you serious?”
“Yeah and now he’s on the ground just laying there. I think he just fell asleep.” I laughed until Anthony said, “oh wait, he’s not sleeping…Ian?”
Tension started to build up through the phone, “Taybe, I gotta call you back; I have to call 911, I think Ian knocked himself out and uhhh, gross, broke his knee.”


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