Sunday, February 20, 2011

Turn That Frown Upside Down- Part 9

“Wow REALLY?!” my hands turned to fists.
“Yeah really! You know how much I’ve liked Anthony since the day I discovered Smosh! You’ve never EVER liked Smosh until all of a damn sudden, you guys start liking each other! I should’ve never brought you with me, I would’ve been a lot happier without you here!!!” she stabbed me in the heart, one word at a time.
“That’s what you think huh?! Well I’ve NEVER accepted your stupid ass weird obsession over these guys! All you ever do is talk about Smosh; Smosh this, Smosh that, oh did you see the new vid of Smosh? NO I DIDN’T ‘CAUSE I DIDN’T LIKE THEIR VIDEOS!!!!!! You need to grow up and live a fucking life instead of wasting it on nothing!!!” I noticed that my hands were shaking and that I was yelling to prevent myself from crying.
We stopped at a stop light which gave Nico enough time to unbuckle her seatbelt and storm out of the car.
“Wow, are you kidding me?!” I yelled at her.
“Shut up!” I heard her cracked voice fade away as she passed the cars to get to the sidewalk.
I was so furious at her that I didn’t even care that she had left the car unmanned. I jumped to the driver’s seat just in time as the light flashed back to green. I gripped the steering wheel; watching my knuckles turn white in angst. I pushed down the pedal a little bit too hard; so hard we jolted forwards. As we were speeding down the road, I felt something wet slip down my cheek, was I crying?
Lauren and Anthony were dead quiet but I didn’t mind. I needed them to be quiet for the time being. The air was thick even though the top was down and the gusts of wind I accidentally swallowed made me cough. When we arrived at Jimmy John’s, Nico was nowhere to be found, I was sure she would’ve been waiting sheepishly at the front, ready to apologize for what she’d said and done. Instead, we saw Ian’s car crookedly parked in a handicap space.
Lauren burst in laughter the minute she saw Ian’s car. Lauren’s laugh infected Anthony who’s sweet laugh infected me. Soon enough we were all sitting inside Nico’s car, laughing at the strangely funny sight before us.
“I kinda hope he gets a ticket!” I managed to get out between breaths. My tears that were once for Nico and my fight were now for Ian’s hilarious parking job.
Finally we all managed to catch our breaths and wipe our tears away. As soon as I stepped out of the drivers seat, I spotted Nicolette with her arms crossed, a frown planted on her face. I took Anthony’s hand and marched into Jimmy John’s, trying to avoid any contact with Nico.
The air in Jimmy John’s was lighter. It was as if the simple scent of freshly baked bread wafting around lifted the tension from my shoulders. I actually started to relax, and my grip on Anthony’s hand loosened. I shut my eyes and breathed in the smell of chopped onions, crisp tomatoes and the mixture of different spices. My moment of relaxation was interrupted by a familiar voice,
“Hey guys!!!” Ian greeted us from a table in a corner, “what’s up?!”
“We’re getting food.” I replied, complimenting my newly formed frown with scrunched eyebrows.
Nicolette walked in as we were ordering our sandwiches. I didn’t bother looking at her, I knew she was just going to whine to Ian about our fight and most likely get him on her side. That was something she did best; whine and convince.
I took a glance at the two of them; they were hugging and I heard Ian whispering something to her. Just as I was about to look away, Ian shot a glare at me. I squinted my eyes in a way that told him he had nothing to do with our fight. That made him turn away with instinct.
Our delicious sandwiches awaited us on the counter when we finished ordering. Just the sight of them made me lick my dry lips. I could’ve sworn I was drooling so I felt like an idiot when I wiped my chin realizing nothing was there.
“You wanna eat here or go home?” Anthony directed the question at me.
I debated the answer in my head. If we stayed here, I could avoid another fight with my so-called best friend. However we probably couldn’t do lunchtime with Smosh. If we went home, chances are Nico and I would argue about what happened, get Ian involved who would probably defend her and make me feel like an idiot. However we could at least attempt to film some lunchtime with Smosh.
“Let’s go back home.” I crossed my fingers, hoping I had made the right decision.
Anthony grabbed the bag full of Lauren, mine and his sandwiches and chips. I headed towards the door but Anthony stayed put.
“Gotta wait for Ian!” he defended his decision to stay.
“Okay but we’re riding in different cars remember?”
Anthony nodded his head, his brown long hair bounced in front of his brown sexy eyes. I threw him a dreamy smile and sat down to wait for him. Lauren plopped down beside me.
“I saw that smile Tay, I know what you wanna do to him!!!” she laughed.
“Oh shut up; all I want to do is kiss him…maybe.” I pushed her. She gasped,
“Hey, you gave me the ideas!”
“What ideas?” Anthony stood in front of me.
I burst into laughter for the third time today, “nothing Anthony, don’t worry about it.” He took my hand to lift me from the chair and we all headed out the door.
The group separated into the two cars outside. To Ian’s delight, his windshield held nothing but dirt stains and dead bugs. Nicolette climbed into the front seat of Ian’s car and made sure to keep her eyes on Ian and Ian alone. Neither Ian nor Nico even glimpsed at me; like the entire fight was my fault! I wanted to scream at them, “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, JUST FUCKING LOOK AT ME!!!!!” but the tightness in my stomach prevented me from making a complete fool out of myself. I would probably do that at Anthony and Ian’s house.
Anthony, Lauren and I were the first to reach the house which I found odd because Ian and Nico left first. We all trampled inside the house ready to chow down on some sandwiches. Anthony pulled out his camera and pointed it at me.
“You know I don’t have the comic genius mind you have.” I winked at him.
“I thought you said you didn’t like our videos, remember?”
“You’ve never lied in your life before, I can tell.” I kissed him.
“You’re cute.” Was his simple answer but I didn’t mind it.
We all opened our sandwiches; I was just about to take the first bite out of my delicious turkey bacon wrap when the door opened and Ian and Nico walked in holding hands and smiling. It was honestly a good sight to see, I liked when Nicolette was happy, I just hated it when she thought she knew everything.
“I have a bone to pick with you.” Ian snapped at me the minute he noticed me looking at them.
“Woah, let’s figure this out without any yelling, hitting or crying, PLEASE.” Lauren tried to get involved without causing any more trouble. “How about sorting out everyone’s feelings?” she pointed at Nico, “why did you snap at the camera in the car just because we were all having a good time?”
Nico was hesitant to answer, “well I guess…because…well…I guess it’s because I’m jealous of her.” She looked directly into my eyes; I couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s some of my fault too.” I spoke up, “I was the one acting like a complete bitch the entire time we’ve been here and she thought I still hated Anthony when I secretly fell in love.” I covered my mouth. “I mean, hypothetically speaking if love was something I could feel for another man…” I hated letting guys know if I loved them even though I believed Anthony was the one for me. Then I realized I made myself sound like a lesbian, “I mean I like men, I don’t mind women either but men are for me…oh god.”
Nicolette giggled, “I’m sorry hon, just promise me you won’t ever lie to me again, please?”
I gave her a tight hug, “I promise.”

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